
Friday, December 10, 2004

Business Acccounting for Linux

Business accounting for Linux
By: Laurent Duperval

Can you run your entire company on Linux only? To find out, I tested three promising accrual-basis accounting packages: GnuCash 1.8.9, SQL-Ledger 2.4.0, and Quasar 1.2.4. All were installed on a Gentoo system.

My evaluation criteria are as follows:

* Installation and setup:
Click Here
the simpler, the better. 20% of final score.
* Ease of use: 35% of final score.
* Multilingual support: I need to produce invoices in English and in French. 10% of final score.
* Reporting: Plenty of reports that look good when printed. 25% of final score.
* Support: Mailing list or newsgroup support. 15% of final score.

READ Entire Story: http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=04/12/04/0215221